Thursday, August 12, 2010

solved pre algebra problems

let us know solved pre algebra problems

Pre algebra is the basic for mathematics. Pre algebra using letters, general Verification of relations and other symbols to represent specific sets of values, numbers vectors, etc., in the character of such relations. It deals the topics such as numbers, expressions, variables, equations, word problems, polynomials. Let us solve some sample problems on pre algebra.

Some Concepts in Pre algebra :

Concepts of algebra

Terms are the part of expression that is connected with plus and minus signs

Coefficients are the numbers in the terms with variables combined in it.

4x2 + 2y + 8xy + 16

Here Coefficient of x2 is 4

Coefficient of y is 2

Coefficient of xy is 8

In any expressions, x and y are called as variables. We call them as variables because these numbers may vary , one or more numbers for the variables can be assigned for the expression.

In the expression 4x2 -5y2+ 3xy + 6 the variable terms are x2, y2, xy.

In any expression which contains only numbers without variables are called as Constants, because their values never change.

In the expression 2x2 -3y2+ 7xy + 5 the constant term is "5."

One or more terms in certain phrase, is called Algebraic Expression. It includes variables, constants and symbols. Symbols such as plus and minus signs. It's only a phrase, not the whole sentence. So it never include equal sign.

Expression: x2 + 3y + 8xy + 14

Equation consists of expressions that are separated by the equal sign. By using expression on one side and equals with their values on the other side.

our artical on " pre algebra help" will guild students in learning math.

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